Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Baja Ha-Ha Entry Package Arrived!!!

Whooo hooooo! The entry package for this year's Baja Ha-Ha Rally to Cabo arrived in today's mail. Lots of yummy reading. We have some meetings (aka parties) to go to in the next few months for this event. Plus, we have some overnight sailing to do so that we both are comfortable with skippering the boat in the dark which is a requirement during the rally.
And then on the knitting scene: I'm plodding away on the shell edging for the Pacific Northwest Shawl. For those of you planning to knit this pattern make sure you have a sharp size 6 doublepoint needle for this edging. I have a set of birch wood Brittany needles and the points are too dull making it hard to knit all the K2togs.
It's been sunny and in the low 70's here today with a mild breeze - absolutely perfect weather for knitting on the boat.
Last night we were sitting on the back of the boat watching the sunset over the ocean when we noticed these little green glowing bits in the water. They were some sort of sealife that were emitting phosphoresence light - so cool! They were about 1/2" long and wiggled like a larve or something. I wish my son Ryan was here - he would know what they were.
Knit on...