Wednesday, May 10, 2006
ON the "Boat
Finally, we are actually ON the boat! It has been a crazy last few days; living in cheap motels, eating way too much excellent mexican seafood, leaving the laptop computer, camera, and our cell phone chargers at my sister's house, having the money for the sale of our house NOT get wired to us until days after the close on the house, and dragging a fully loaded trailer behind our fully loaded minivan everywhere we went. No internet, No phones. We were HOMELESS and living out of the Plymouth!!!
But, it all came together yesterday afternoon; my darling brother in law air express shipped our laptop to us, the bank got the money for the sale of the house and we paid the balance due on the boat and got the keys, we got the keys to the marina, and we worked our tails off and unloaded the trailer. We figured out how to get the shore electricity working, the refrigerator is turned on, but the toilets are still a mystery...so we trot off to the mariana tenants toilets when nature calls. I'm sitting at the "Nav Station" on the boat, "borrowing" somebody's wireless in order to write this entry.
Tonight will be our first night on the boat!!! I'll take pictures tomorrow.... No knitting today...way too much to do...
But, it all came together yesterday afternoon; my darling brother in law air express shipped our laptop to us, the bank got the money for the sale of the house and we paid the balance due on the boat and got the keys, we got the keys to the marina, and we worked our tails off and unloaded the trailer. We figured out how to get the shore electricity working, the refrigerator is turned on, but the toilets are still a mystery...so we trot off to the mariana tenants toilets when nature calls. I'm sitting at the "Nav Station" on the boat, "borrowing" somebody's wireless in order to write this entry.
Tonight will be our first night on the boat!!! I'll take pictures tomorrow.... No knitting today...way too much to do...