Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Cool Guys - past Sock Models & Test Knitting!!

On the far left, is a nephew from my younger sister, and then second from the left is a nephew from my older sister. Such a great group of guys!
This was taken down in Joshua Tree National Monument near Palm Springs when we drove down there for my mother's memorial service. You can see a "Joshua Tree" in the background between my nephews. Anyway, the guys (with my husband) had a great time exploring the rock formations of the desert, hiking around, and just generally burning off some energy.

Well, finally the book is out! I test knit 2 of the afghans in this book over a year ago. The book is "Heirloom Afghans to Knit & Crochet" by Jean Leinhauser & Rita Weiss.
Hooray! This is the first time one of my test knitting projects has been published!!!! My name is in the front of the book in tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny print, but it is there.
I knit the green cable "Spring...." afghan and the garter stitch patchwork quilted-look afghan. I don't have the book here with me (at work) right now so I can't state the official afghan names. Anyway, I saw this book on Amazon yesterday and rushed down to a LYS to see if my projects were in it. Yes! So I bought it right away. There's a nice knit lace afghan in the book that I think I'll try sometime when I have the time. Right now I've got enough projects.
FLAK Update: I picked up the stitches for the first sleeve, knit a couple of inches and realized that I had too many stitches. The sleeve was flaring - and I REALLY don't think puffed sleeves would be attractive on an aran sweater....SO to the frog pond I went. It's amazing how fast you can rip out knitting!!
Longest Line of Baby Socks Update: Finished one more pair of socks and a single. These are just so portable and provide instant gratification. Well, not so instant as I'm not one of those "flying fingers" knitters.
More Knitting Committments: The Gansey Yahoo! group is starting "Grace's Cardigan" by Beth Rinsel-Brown and I've been waiting to knit this. A gansey and an aran at the same time? Of course!!! What fun. Also, I got requests for socks from one of my sisters and a niece so those are under development. And the list keeps growing.... Isn't life wonderful???