Sunday, June 07, 2009


More Kuna Yala Photos

What can I say...the San Blas Islands of Panama (also known as the Kuna Yala) is beautiful. This dolphin was part of a group (pod? school?) who played alongside our boat as we moved between islands. He kept rolling over and looking up at me as I stood on the bow to take a picture of him. Here is is looking at me while I was looking at him.

As you can see, the seas were calm and flat. No wind. Thus, no sailing that day. And here's a pic of Jonesy at the "helm" and one of a very rare sunset. We had steady sunsets when we were in Mexico, but the clouds and thunderstorms obscured most of the sunsets in Panama for us. So this is quite unusual for the rainy season to have a sunset. That's it for today - the cruiser's potluck/BBQ is starting in an hour and I must go marinate the chicken and whip up a dish to share. Haven't knit a stitch all day!

Hey there! Great dolphin shot.
Amazing you ran into Ariel! Way small world... Stan, who crewed on "Guavi" from Ventura to Cabo San Lucas is on our boat in La Paz right now. And Tim of "Tim & Pam" from our old dock. That's amazing you saw him :) !
Great dolphin picture.
That is a cute dolphin and a BEAUTIFUL sunset!
We were liveaboards for 3 1/2 years with 2 young sons. We only stopped because number three was on the way. As we started in Europe we sailed in the Mediterranean and then across to the Caribbean. It was a fantastic experience although I must admit I enjoy the luxury of having a fridge and a freezer now! Enjoy yourselves; I wish you fair winds and calm seas.
how AWESOME~! is that a bottle Nose? the nose looks long... WOW what amazing critters I AM IN LOVE with Manatee's :) now those are amazing critters lol.
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